Photos: Dantakali Dharan दन्तकाली धरान

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Located in the middle of the Vijaypur Hill in Dharan, the Dantakali temple is said to be founded on the spot where Sati Devi's teeth fell. According to legend, Sati Devi was the consort of Lord Shiva, who was so bereaved upon her death that he carried her dead body and wandered aimlessly around the earth.

The temple, in its present form, was built by locals after 1978 AD and consists of a cement and brick structure with three roofs and a metal pinnacle on the top. Housed within the temple is the actual object of worship -- a silver-plated rock in the shape of teeth, which are said to Sati Devi's.


The hill of Vijaypur once formed the Eastern frontier of the medieval kingdom of Vijaypur, and, besides Dantakali, it consists of numerous other temples, namely Bhatabhange, Panchakanya, Budhasubba, Gadi Ganesh, and Pindeswor. Devotees of Kali visit Dantakali during the festival of Navaratra and also on Saturdays.