Photos: Baglung Kalika बाग्लुङ कालिका

बाग्लुङको कालिका गाउँमा प्रसिद्ध बाग्लुङ कालीको मन्दिर छ । यिनी खड्काहरूकी इष्टदेवी मानिन्छिन् । खड्काहरूले नै बसाइँ सरेर आउने क्रममा पश्चिमबाट यस भेगमा यिनको मूर्ति ल्याएको विश्वास गरिन्छ । यो मन्दिर कालीगण्डकी र काँढे खोलाको बीचमा पर्ने जंगलभित्र छ ।
यो मन्दिर तले शैलीमा निर्मित छ । यसको गुठी वि.सं. १८५९ सालतिर राखिएको प्रमाण पाइएको छ । तले शैलीको मन्दिरमा राखिएकी यी देवीको प्रस्तर मूर्ति पुजारीबाहेक अरूले हेर्नु हुँदैन भन्ने जनविश्वास छ । बाग्लुङ कालीको पूजाआजा तान्त्रिक विधिबाट गरिन्छ । बडादशैं, चैतेदशैंका अवसरमा यस मन्दिरमा भक्तहरूको ठूलो भीड लाग्दछ । विशेष गरी दशैंको समयमा यहाँ पशुबलि दिने चलन छ । वि.सं. १५९० सालतिर पाल्पाली सेनराजा मुकुन्द सेनले यो गाउँ छोरीलाई दाइजो दिएको पाइने हुनाले यी कालीको स्थापना त्यही समयतिर भएको हुन सक्ने देखिन्छ । कालीको रथयात्रा पनि गर्ने चलन छ ।

The Baglung Kali Temple is situated in Baglung District in a forest between the Kaligandaki and Kande rivers. The Goddess is the guardian deity of the Khadka clan, and the idol was brought here from the West. It is forbidden for lay people to look upon the idol and only the priest may view it. The temple is located in the vicinity of Kalika village, which was given as dowry to his daughter by King Mukunda Sen of Palpa, and it is believed that the temple was established at the same time.

The modern temple is a multi-roofed structure and is the scene of a large-scale animal sacrifice during Navaratra. It is also famous for its Rathayatra, a festival for which thousands of devotees visit the temple every year.