Photos: Bagalamukhi Patan बगलामुखी पाटन

बगलामुखीको मन्दिर पाटनमा पर्दछ । बगलामुखीछेउ अन्य देवीदेवताका मन्दिर र मूर्तिहरू पनि छन । बगलामुखीको उत्पत्तिका सम्बन्धमा एउटा किंवदन्ती छ । त्यस अनुसार, बगला नामक राक्षसीले त्यस भेगका मानिसहरूलाई सताउने गर्दथी । तसर्थ स्थानीय बासिन्दाहरूले बगलामुखी देवीको स्तुति गरेछन । पछि त्यहाँ बगलामुखी उत्पत्ति भई राक्षसीलाई मारिछन र स्थानीय बासिन्दाको रक्षा गरिछन । यसबाट खुसी भई स्थानीय बासिन्दाहरूले यिनको स्थापना गरी पूजाआजा गर्न लागेछन । बगलामुखी दश महाविद्यामध्येकी एक देवी मानिन्छिन । तसर्थ बगलामुखीको पूजा बिहीबार हुने गर्दछ । इच्छा पूरा गर्न, मुद्दा जित्न र शत्रुलाई हराउन बगलामुखीको पूजाआजा गर्ने गरिन्छ । दश महाविद्याका साथै बगलामुखीको अभ्युदयका सम्बन्धमा के पनि किंवदन्ती पाइन्छ भने, एक पटक शिव र पार्वती हाँसखेल र ठटटा गरेर बसेका बेलामा शिवजीलाई घुम्न जान मन लागेछ । उनले पार्वतीलाई पनि घुम्न जान भनेछन । तर पार्वतीले घुम्न मन नगर्दा शिवजीले करकाप गरेकाले पार्वतीले आफना दश वटा रूप देखाइएछन । बगलामुखीलाई तिनै रूपमध्येको एउटा मानिन्छ ।
बगलामुखी परिसरमा कुम्भेश्वर महादेवको पनि मन्दिर छ, जहाँ हरेक वर्ष जनै पूर्णिमामा मेला लाग्दछ ।

Bagalamukhi is among the most famous of the many temples of Patan and it is especially popular as it believed that the Goddess has the power of fulfilling her devotees' wishes; in particular, she is seen as granting victory in battle or in court. Bagalamukhi is a goddess from Dasamahavidhya of Kathmandu Valley, and, according to legend, she is believed to have appeared after the people of the locality prayed to her to save them from the suffering inflicted upon them by a demon. And when she did so the people then erected a temple in her honour and began to worship there.

Another legend tells how Parvati, annoyed by Shiva's persistent requests to go for a walk in spite of her protestations, took on ten different forms at once. It is said that the form of Bagalamukhi was the most appealing, which led to the establishment of the temple.


Also present in the premises of Bagalamukhi is the temple of Kumbeshwor Mahadev, which is the site of a fair during the festival of Janai Purnima.