श्वेत भैरव काठमाडौं उपत्याका आठ भैरवमध्येको एक हो । यो भैरवको मूर्ति काठमाडौंको हनुमान्ढोकामा छ । वर्षभरि बन्द हुने श्वेत भैरवको मन्दिर इन्द्रजात्राको समयमा मात्र खुल्छ । त्यस बेला भैरवको मुखमा राखेको पाइपको पछाडिबाट प्रसादस्वरूप रक्सी बाहिर निकालिन्छ । सडकमा बसेर श्रद्धालुहरू त्यो पिउन भीड लाग्ने गर्दछन् यो मूर्ति निकै उत्कृष्ट तथा अनुरूप कलाको नमुनाका रूपमा चिनिन्छ ।
The temple of Shwet Bhairav, located at Basantpur, in the heart of Kathmandu, is one of the eight Bhairav temples that were established so as to protect Kathmandu from all threats.
The object of worship is a massive and terrifying idol that is kept away from the general public, who are allowed to worship it only during the festival of Indra Jatra. During the Jatra an alcoholic drink is poured out from the idol as prasada from the deity to his devotees.